Trans Exhibits at the Brighton Museum


Hey everyone!

So me and the Baron were wandering around a few museums and we wanted to check out the Queer Looks exhibit at the Brighton Museum. I’m always really apprehensive to go into these types of spaces because I find it quite emotionally disarming, not for the things you’d expect, I guess? But I have this visceral reaction to this current climate of LGBT work. I don’t really know how to begin explaining my feelings, because it’s not exactly a case of me having a conscious rebuttal towards the movement from other queer artists, because I expect everyone to be as unique as I am and cheer it on. But there seems to be an agreed upon frequency that I’m not tuned in to.

I was forwarded a podcast which was hosted by an individual called Glamrou, someone who I wasn’t really privy to before but they did an excellent talk with a young intersex person who was the first person that I’d heard speak the same type of language that I feel, so check out that podcast on the BBC if you are interested in getting what I’m about. But the reason I mention is that they went into the same exhibit on said podcast, so I knew there was a case where in the exhibit, the curator, a non binary person had removed breast tissue and that was on display. That alone was quite a concerning image in my mind because I have a lot of hang ups with my own body, so I was frightened to go into this space. But I braved it.

It was very much what I anticipated and I found the experience quite isolating. I really loved the Westwood costume and exploring the stories that they were featurnig but I celebrate my individuality in such a different way that it was quite triggering. Do you feel like this ever?

Joseph HarwoodGrowth