Slipper Elm Bark Powder - Indigo Herbs


Hey guys!

Slipper Elm is a very unusual product that totally aids in digestion. The way in which I take it is basically you build a tea, so you mix about four tsp into a tiny bit of hot water, it’s kinda like when you’re making hot cocoa? You mix it into a paste, and then fill it up with water. It’s gel forming which means that it soothes the stomach lining, it turns into a viscose liquid, and you just down it. The flavour is sort of like you’d imagine, powdered bark. It really helps if you have IBS, digestion issues or you feel like you’ve eaten wayyy too much. It’s an interesting one and has been used for generations to suppress appetite as well. It’s one I use as a combat for specific illnesses and not a daily tincture.

Joseph Harwood