Back to Church

Church bnanna.jpg

Hey everyone! 

So, in Lockdown, we were pretty limited to the outdoor activities that we could do at that time. I actually had a bit of a disaster. So, just before the restrictions came into place, I had a timeline that involved a property that’s being built in France, being able to house what I already own in furniture. So I had a massive stack of elaborate household things that I just had to move out of this storage facility after spending more than most people’s rent on, by May. Now, I had a feeling something was going to go awry. I didn’t know what, but I was tweeting relentlessly about the gloom surrounding this move, and my God, I was so right. Because there was no capacity to get this shit out of my unit and, in France, there was no ability to even use public disposal dumps to get rid of things, and people did not buy antique furniture. So I was in a pickle, to say the least.

I wanted to try and minimize things, so I ended up moving from a double large storage unit to a single half storage unit, which was a Jenga-like, body-debilitating challenge that I managed by sheer determination and the patience of a strange older woman who was working seemingly in the adjoining storage row who assisted in being my eyes and ears when lifting things. So I got the bulk of things done, but I was worn out and there were so many ghosts to handle. It was like entering a time capsule, but I felt clarity for the first time and it was such a massive milestone. It just felt like there was some stability after doing it that I was looking for, it’s all psychosomatic but it really does have an impact on you.

So, on the way back home, I was wary about using public transport, so I decided I’d use the allotted hour to walk home, as that’s about the distance from my house and I happened to pass by the church I lived in for part of my childhood. It was my grandad's church, and on the podcast, I was talking about this for the first time. So I thought I’d show off the outside and put some context for my travel part of my site. It was really like a sign, not of a negative step back in time, but a positive one. And I thought I’d share it.

Let me know something that no one knows about you in the comments below.

Joseph Harwood