From Farm to Table - Roundstone Farm


Hey guys!

During lockdown it was super important for me to get back to nature and we decided as a family to go to the Pick Your Own Roundstone Farm which is in Tarring, near Worthing. The premise for the farm is that it’s essentially full of delicious seasonal produce and you go in with bags they supply, and following the instructions for the particular vegetable or fruit, you then collect to your hearts content. We went just before the end of the Summer season, it was going into Autumn so the type of veg there was listed below.

We got on the tractor ride and headed around the farm, there are orchards of plums, raspberry patches. A massive range of all kinds of vegetables from onions, runner beans, beetroots, marrows, strawberries, courgettes, plums. It’s amazing!

The first time we went there was no cabbage or anything available, but then we returned a few weeks later and they had everything up for grabs. The purple cabbage and the broccoli was incredible and I have so many recipes coming that used the vegetables we picked. We took my niece there and she absolutely loved the tractor, we had to make a plastic bag become a coat because it started raining, but it was the best fun.

One of the most amazing parts was the insane pumpkin patch, full of edible and ornamental pumpkins! The onions and the beetroots were literally in the ground, so if you wanted to go and grab some its best to bring some tools. I’d recommend some scissors, a knife and a spade, and if you wanted to be boujee, some gloves.


We ended up picking massive handfuls of each vegetables and filled about 12 bags of insane food. It was £13 for three house holds, just incredible and everything was delicious and tasted phenomenal.

Definitely recommend for a day out with your family!

Joseph Harwood