Travelling in Parisian Style - Work Trips in Paris


Hey everyone!

I was recently in Paris for work which I spoke about across my Beauty section, check it out here. During my trip, I got the chance to stay in the heart of Paris which was fabulous. I have never gone to France on the Eurotunnel before and it was quite a moment because I had no idea you’d even need to have your passport, this is how stupid I am. I just couldn’t imagine what it would be like to get on a train through security paha. But it was an awesome experience and aside from some massive admin errors from the client that had booked me, we got there safely and in one piece.

I have to say my trip was really delightful and the food on the train was actually really nice, I was expecting plane food but I got loads of free wine and I arrived in France to a driver awaiting me and it was just easy. We travelled to the hotel and I had a very early morning, so I jumped into bed. The hotel was called Jules & Jim - 11 Rue des Gravilliers, 75003 Paris. It was a really clean and chic room, I really loved the bed and I fell asleep easily. The ameneties were typicaly Parisian and I tought there was definitely a vibe to the Hotel that made it suitable for artistic, working people. The layout of the building is quite topsy tervy which I liked, I’d more recently visited Paris with my mum and we stayed in this bizarre hotel and they’d fashioned a lift to the floors we were staying on, in literally like an alcove and it was a triangular shape that you had to stack your suitcases up to even fit in with them, it was extremely bizarre. So this one had a touch of that, but was really lovely.

The bathroom was fab, I liked the shower as it had a massaging function built into the nosel which was a cute touch. I also loved the fact that there were mirrors on a couple of the walls so you could see the back of your hair which is always a nice touch for anyone that is concerned with their face haha. The next morning I got up early and met some of the other people invited to create workshops for the client and we hung out and got croissants in the bar breakfast area downstairs. It was a great breakfast and the lady was kind enough to make me a tomato juice from the bar as I fancied one haha.


I never know how much you want me to write about my fashionz because I do have a bountiful collection of clothes at my disposal, but I did my hair in the way it naturally falls nowadays and sprayed it in place. Did daylight boy face and wore just a vintage black tunic top, it’s a light fabric that I liked and I paired it with a jacket that I had from Zara but it was actually a jumper dress, kinda Balmain inspired that wrapped over as a double-breasted finish to the front. I thought it was a shitty dress and I actually took it apart and retailored it so that it would look like a jacket on me, and I took probably about five inches off the base and paired it with some leather trousers by Dior. Shoe-wise, I have a tough time actually finding shoes in my size and these ones I believe were from Deichman, I stretch most of them out before I wear them but they just gave me an easy work look.

We headed to Studio Cyclone and I got to meet a lot of more industry people which was great. I have been on lots of trips like this in the last year so hopefully, you will enjoy some of my updates.

Let me know in the comments below what you’d like me to include as I can’t wait to dive into travel!

Joseph Harwoodweekend