Vitl Vitamins Customised for Me


Hey guys!

This month’s focus was entirely about health and keeping people on their goals for 2020, and to my delight, I was contacted by a vitamin brand I was really eager to partner with last year called Vitl.

Vitl are an incredibly customizable and insightful brand that allows you to choose from a variety of consultations, blood tests, and DNA submissions, that open up entirely what’s going on in your body. I chose to partner on a consultation basis so we went through issues I was facing in my body, from tiredness to mood, and I was amazed by the results. Vitl created a custom plan of four supplements that were different blends for me, as a vegan, as an insomniac, and the change in just one month’s use has been profound.

I go into more details in the video below.

Joseph HarwoodHealth