Changing my Spine, Hips and Neck with Back 2 Balance


Hey everyone!


So one of the goals I’ve been working toward for about two years now has been to streamline my life moving forward, and when I was looking online at things that people felt had helped their overall health and wellness, often there was a chiropractor. So I give a bit of a backstory in the video below and the first clinic I went to which didn’t work out for me. I then found the amazing Back 2 Balance in Hove and the lovely Becky which began the full revelation of what was going on in my body.

So we booked the initial appointment and I explained in detail what had happened during a childhood school trip where I overexerted my legs, it actually resulted in me being hospitalized and there was excessive pain in my feet, ankles, legs. I was told I had an issue with my calves, the arches in my feet had dropped and I then had physio on my legs for two years. It was horrendous and my ankles could rotate 360 degrees, they were totally out of the mechanical norms so we assumed that the informatio was correct, that the problem was with my legs. I was unable to participate in sports during school for the entire time I was there and it was hard for me, because it gave another difference to add to my school life that needn’t been there. In addition to that, physically my upper body was so out of sync with my legs. I am very OCD with diet and I am very healthy and it made no impact on how my body looked. I spent 2014-2017 working out every single morning and I built a home gym in my house, yet nothing would target any of the areas of concern in my torso and noone could explain to me why.

So I booked an appointment with B2B and we went through this whole timeline. We did a full session of walking on the spot, aligning my arms, testing what I can do. Then Becky asked me to go through a series of examinations with machines, that would give more indication of what was going on. And we found out about the problem. The problem was not with my legs but with my hips. If your hips are out, your back is out, your neck is out, your legs are out. You can see in over 1500 videos I’ve created that my neck is physically pushed forward and my shoulders are out of alignment, I was literally the hunchback of Brighton and I was being treated for my legs. Nothing I would do in terms of cardio would target above my hips because my skeleton was not aligned past that point and it was basically causing me to have shallow breath, anxiety, massive tension headaches, and insomnia. So not just one or two little things, it was a full-blown disaster.

So the diagram on the left basically is my report illustrated from Corescore by CLA. It shows me Heart Rate Variability, Muscle Tone and Balance and Organ and Gland control as shown by the spine and nervous system. The tests were different, one was a sort of prong that traverses your back, one was a temperature test, and heart rate. So it’s really interesting and definitely insightful.

My Heart Rate Variability is at 65, which was not great. The Pulse Wave Profiler helps the doctor to determine my ability to adapt to the environment, so this impacts on your lifestyle, your fight or flight response and fatigue. So this was really concerning to me because it was not where it should be. I also think that in the video I created I spoke abut anxiety and my reactive nature, and this is where it came from. I was kind of being pulled back into my body and you feel like you’re running from a predator, or something it’s hard to explain.

Secondly, my Muscle Tone and Balance was at 40. The Surface EMG exam evaluates the function of the muscles that support and move your spine, so this measures how much energy your body uses when your backs out of balance. If too much energy is used to support an out of balance spine, then here you go. It’s caused my muscles to loose mobility, making my upper torso completely out of sync and not allowing exercise to impact on creating strength that I should have in that area.

Finally, Organ and Gland Contro; 60. The thermal scan is used to asses the part of your nervous system that helps to control your organs, glands and blood vessels. The autonomic nervous system works alongside the spinal nerves to regulate your immunity while managing your internal organ functions. This measures the difference of temperature along the spine and temperature is an accurate indicator as to where the stress is building up. For me you can see in the photo, all along the left side of my neck and the right side of my back, then the left side of my hip. So I get MASSIVE tension headaches and I didn’t have any mobility to move my arms and neck at all. It was outrageous when I first got adjusted because I felt like I was underwater or something, I can’t describe it but everything could move properly.

So this was my initial exam results and we began three treatments over the course of three weeks, I was also updating my water to 2l a day to help, as I was being a bit lazy on this. I think that the first few sessions were a shock to my system but my feet are facing forward for the first time, I can stand up properly and my neck is straight. I’ve lost so much weight after this happened and even my fingers have got smaller? I don’t know what that was about but my rings no longer fit me so it was a transformation.

I have to go back for more sessions but as you guys know I’ve been a bit busy lol! To say the least. So if you were in the South East and wanted to find out about chiropractic and get a full exam, it’s transformational. Check out Back 2 Balance and maybe in the future, we can show some of the treatments as a video.

Joseph HarwoodHealth