Parisian Treats + Working in Style


Hey Guys!

So I wanted to give you a bit of the behind the scenes of another great location I got to work in during my time in Paris. So Studio Cyclone is a real gem in the heart of the city and is very strange. It’s like a mix of an iron clad apartment, inside an area of wide windows with a bamboo forest? Indoors? I’m not really sure how to describe it but I was very much excited to host some seminars inside a new and fascinating location.

So aside from the building, we were absolutely treated like queens with huge floral decorations and exquisite, typically Parisian food which was all gourmet little treats. I loved them and couldn’t resist adding them to Agitprop.

I wasn’t actually sure what each of the dishes were, but they were all sort of purees of flavours, and I think they were just a way to look boojie because they had very little flavor to them but I went with the flow and kept it moving., The gorgeous lip shaped mousse dessersts were gorgeous and kept me going throughout the day.

I’m really quite like amazed how all of these awesome events come to me but I’m really blessed and I think being in Paris and being there for a work gig, was something that really gave my self esteem a stamp of approval as I often feel like an imposter, not only was I there hosting something for a huge corporation but I was doing it independently. It was such an accomplishment and now I’ve done it with the boojiest I’m not gonna stop.

Let me know the strangest food you’ve tried + what accomplishments have meant the most to you in the comments.

Joseph HarwoodRestaurant